Friday, August 30, 2013

Five concrete things I can do to have a successful freshmen year are
1. join out of school activities like sports or clubs.
2.  meet new people and make new friends so that social skills are increased.
3. do all my work and stay on top of things.
4. be responsible and not have my mom email teachers questions that I email them and ask the about my grade.
5. and five would be to just have fun

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Today in class we spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to send an email and how we should have done our homework. We had a lot of trouble on learning how to send the email and when we sent it that we never sent the right thing. So we had to keep going back and doing it over again. Then for the second part of class we spent trying to figure out how to and a web link to our blog for the CIA fact book. So hopefully soon after we get over all this technology we will start having actual class but were still getting used to all this technology.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My experience my first day at John Carroll was fun I meet some new people. I was exposed to some new classes and new teachers with a different style of teaching that I am used to. I wasn't really nervous when it came to the upper class men because I already knew some from the football team. I like the whole idea of off mods so that I could get my homework done before practice, but my first day I only had one off mod and i has to use that for lunch which I only had about 13 minutes by the time I got to the cafeteria. So i really had to rush my lunch period. In all my first day of high school was good it was chill and as I would usually always say it was sweet.