Saturday, December 14, 2013

Friday in class we talked about what the essay is going to be about. Which is that it is going to be a five paragraph essay which each paragraph stating and talking about something we learned and why do you think we learned it. The essay should be easy. I am writing mine over the weekend so that I have something to look off of and study before the test. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Today in class we talked about the final and what everything is going to be on the final. It seems fairly easy. Just you have to know the 5 key topics we went over this past year and you have to wright an essay on each topic that we did which should be fairly easy.  Just go to study and hope for the best. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Today in class we went over the test and went through all the answers I did okay on the test. I messed up on a couple questions and they were just stupid mistakes I could’ve gotten a hundred. For the rest of the time in class which was like eleven minutes we talked about Nelson Mandala who seems to me is the type of man that makes the world be a better place. He is the guy that you would want someone to look up to instead of some Lil Wayne. He went to jail for something he believed in kind of like John McCain. John was a prisoner of war but he did it because he loves AMERICA.  

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Friday in class we took the test on micro finance, kiva, and all that good stuff. I liked this unit because I am a really big fan on like economics and like trying to run and solve problems which we kind of did in the game we played earlier in the unit. That’s something I would really to pressure a career in. I would like to take companies that are not doing so well and then take them over and run them till they get on top again then sell it and move on to the next one. I think it sounds fun.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

1.       What is microfinance? A general term to describe to low income individuals to give them a kick start.
2.       Who makes the world wide mosquito nets? Bill and Melinda gates
3.       What is a micro entrepreneurs? A person starting a business with little money.
4.       What is a microloan? A small amount of money given to someone to start a business.
5.       What is a micro lender? Someone that lends the money.
6.       What is Marilia? A disease spreaded by mosquito. It comes from the word mal.
7.       How does microfinance help the community? It helps people to have a greater aware of things in the community and helps people that they don’t have to walk from one village to another.
8.       What does microloans do for the community? It helps the economy in the local community.
9.       What animal carries Marilia? Mosquito.

10.   What don’t banks give out more loans to poor people? Because they have a higher risk of not paying. If they don’t pay back they don’t have anything they cant take away.