Thursday, January 16, 2014

Today in class we reveiwd the test so tomorrow we are going to take it. Pretty pumped

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Today in class we watched more of the video which took a decent fifteen minutes to load. We also talked about how animals played a big part in the early days of the world. They used all different types of animals to do some many different things. They used cows to plow fields, for fur, milk, and for meat too. They used pigs that could be used for meat and small labor. They would primary use animals that could provide them with the most work and goods and usually were feed by grass. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Today in class we started to watch the movie on Jared Diamond which is a pretty rad name. you could be called j dawg.  They video showed j dawg going in throughout the island of newguina. While he was there he studied the way that they lived and really got into depth on the way they lived. They use the inside of the tree that produces a type of grain. The people there wonder why us white men have so many and they have so little cargo. Cargo is what they call what we had.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Today in class we started the section on urban geography. We also I got our grade’s back from the exam and I really liked my grade. Urban geography is mainly I guess we are going to learn about more of the  cities and what living and the lifestyle is like living in the city.