Monday, September 2, 2013


1. Agora- a place of gathering in the ancient Greek times; was used for sporting events, plays, shows and etc.

2. Arete- was the goddess of goodness and excellence; dressed in all white

3. Polis- meaning a city state in ancient Greece

4. the year 508 B.C- cleisthenes grants full rights to all free men in Athens

5.  Socrates- was a classic Greek Athenian philosopher. Known as one of the founders of western philosophy.

6. The Death of Socrates- a painting painted in 1787 by Jacques-Louis David; Socrates was being punished for criticizing Critias, he was forced to either drink the poison of be exiled.

7. The Socratic Method-is a form of discussion between two people.

8. What The Ancient Greeks Meant When They Called You An Idiot- it meant that you did not vote so you publicly humiliated.

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