Thursday, September 5, 2013

Three facts that really stuck out to me in the shift happens video were

1. That the U.S. department of Labor estimates that today's learner will have 10-14 jobs.
That really sticks out to me because when it comes when I'm out of college and looking for a job I really don't want to be running from job to job and getting a new job every 4 months I want to get one job and stick wit it.

2. The second fact was the one of England in 1900. I fell that America could be that country, I mean I love our country and am very patriotic but America isn't the greatest country in the world anymore but we can be and we can be the best. We just need the right leadership.

3. The last fact was the 1 out of 6 couples last year married in the U.S. last year met online. That to me is kind of sad because it is saying that us as Americans have to do everything online. It is kind of showing that we are to lazy to go out and meet people I think the best way to meet someone is face to face.

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