Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Today in class we presented our religions which my group’s religion was on Buddhism. Which is more than a practice then a religion itself because you can be a part of other religions while being Buddhist. The other religions that presented were Christianity and Muslim. Christianity was kind of a gimmie I mean it is a very easy religion for me to know because I am a Christian. Now muslim was a little bit harder but still knew. I knew that they had to pray at least five times a day every day, and the ones that take it a little bit more seriously do it the same time every day. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Today in class we took our quiz which I thought was pretty easy. There was only like one question that I had a little bit of trouble with but rather than that it was pretty easy. Then we broke up into small groups which we were all given a five major religion which my group had Buddhism. During class we had dogs come through the academic wing searching for only God knows what. I was kind of glad they came so it kind of shows that they are keeping it safe at JC. So ya class was kind of short and we did not take any notes.
God Bless America

Phil Prevosto 

Thursday, October 24, 2013
Today in class we had Jasmine teach the class we did a review of what we have learnt from the past couple of days. That nationalism is when you think your country is number one. The video we watched today which I have seen previously but I just think it is such an amazing video.  We aren’t the best country we don’t have the best science and math programs and we don’t even have a government that can come to terms on something. We used to be a great country, like they said in the video the American way is to stand up for what is right. I mean I thought the American dream is to come here and work to get a job to make money that’s why most people came over during the 20’s and 30’s. Now it seems like people are thinking the American dream is to sit home without a job and have the government give them what they need that they don’t need a job. BUT NO THAT’S NOT IT WE ARE AMERICANS I AM TIRED OF OTHER COUNTRIES THINKING WE JUST OVER WEIGHT NO GOOD DEAD BEATS. WE NEED TO SHOW THE WORLD AGAIN THAT WE ARE AMERICA WE FIGHT FOR WHAT IS RIGHT. What I personally think we need is a blue collar, conservative American as president. I think we need to cut back on funding that doesn’t need to fund. I thought McCain would have been a great choice for president because he truly loved his country he fought in war he was a prisoner of war. I think Romney would have actually made America what it should have been. I think he would of cut back spending and I personally think he would have been pretty good. I was very mad that the president tried to kind of cover up the 2012 Benghazi attack of the American embassy. I say they attack us then we should march right in there and give them a boot in their rear end. If you mess with America or our people you deserve to be taught your lesson.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Today in class we talked a lot of still more cultural differences and I am still as strong as ever on saying that America is probably one of the most diverse countries because we want some many different people to come here. LAND OF OPPORTUNITY. We talked about how Texas wanted to become its own country which I completely thought was bogus. C’mon Texas you are a big part of America what would we do without some good ole Texas football (best football is down south). I just think that countries now really should just stay the way they are there is no need really for any more controversies. I mean we now have groups so if anyone tries to pull a Hitler more than likely all nations would come together to get the world back to peace. Also we talked about oil and fresh water and I think if we ever run low on fresh water I would be very scared it would kind of show a weakness and that the world would be in kind of a crisis mode same thing with oil. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Today in class we talked about the different things that can separate regions and culture. We talked about how people in different part of America call soda different things like in the northwest area such as Chicago they call it pop, but in the southern states they call in cola even though it might not be coke a cola. In the east and west they call it soda. In some states they call it fizzy. We talked about how many different nations have many different cultures. I thought that America would be an excellent example because there are so many different types of ethnic backgrounds in America and so many different religions that make up this great land of the U.S.A
Today in class we talked about the different things that can separate regions and culture. We talked about how people in different part of America call soda different things like in the northwest area such as Chicago they call it pop, but in the southern states they call in cola even though it might not be coke a cola. In the east and west they call it soda. In some states they call it fizzy. We talked about how many different nations have many different cultures. I thought that America would be an excellent example because there are so many different types of ethnic backgrounds in America and so many different religions that make up this great land of the U.S.A

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Today in class we went over everything that will be on the test tomorrow. Which will be stuff like crude birth rate, and crude death rate. Stuff that we went over in the population pyramids. That most developed countries are like a box with a steady population and countries that are still developing are like a cup that it is more with younger population and that there is not that much older people living.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Today in class we really clarified that we need to start posting to our blogs more often and that we need to be basically posting all our notes on our blog because it is really going to help us later on down the line. We went over how Ann Arbor’s population is made up of a lot of college students and a lot of under grads. Then how like Manhattan is made up of a lot of working class ages that are really focused on their work and are not worried about families. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Today in class we took a pop quiz on the lost boys. The quiz was easy for the most part it all mattered if you did your blogs and if you took notes. Then we went on to talk about population pyramids. The pyramids are kind of confusing at first but then when you get the hang of it then it is  pretty easy to understand.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Honestly after my game my head is hurting so bad I can not really remember what happened in class. My bad

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

loss boys 2

Today in class we watched more of the video on the lost boys. The segment that we watched today was about them coming over to America the land of the free. The boys well now are men were set up in apartments and had running water and electricity. The boys were never used to just have water right there at the turn of a knob, they were always used to going down the stream and using that water. The boys were also never introduced to some of the electricity like lights. They did not know how turn the lights in the room on and off they were amazed by it. By watching that part I realized how many little things us as Americans take for granted. I think we should stop and realize how great it is to live in a country that has all these things. I was actually more thankful and appreciative after watching part of the movie today. 

loss boys 2

Today in class we watched more of the video on the lost boys. The segment that we watched today was about them coming over to America the land of the free. The boys well now are men were set up in apartments and had running water and electricity. The boys were never used to just have water right there at the turn of a knob, they were always used to going down the stream and using that water. The boys were also never introduced to some of the electricity like lights. They did not know how turn the lights in the room on and off they were amazed by it. By watching that part I realized how many little things us as Americans take for granted. I think we should stop and realize how great it is to live in a country that has all these things. I was actually more thankful and appreciative after watching part of the movie today. 

loss boys 2

Today in class we watched more of the video on the lost boys. The segment that we watched today was about them coming over to America the land of the free. The boys well now are men were set up in apartments and had running water and electricity. The boys were never used to just have water right there at the turn of a knob, they were always used to going down the stream and using that water. The boys were also never introduced to some of the electricity like lights. They did not know how turn the lights in the room on and off they were amazed by it. By watching that part I realized how many little things us as Americans take for granted. I think we should stop and realize how great it is to live in a country that has all these things. I was actually more thankful and appreciative after watching part of the movie today. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Today in class we started watching a video about the “Lost Boys” and start to learn the story of three of them. The lost boys were thousands of boys that grew up and lived in Sudan until a civil war broke loose. The north side of the country was Muslims and they came down and wanted to completely get rid of the other race of people in their country. So they did everything in their power to get rid of them and make them leave their country. They took the women of the villages and raped the women. They took the men sixteen and older and just killed them. The boys that were sixteen and under were told to just run. When they would get their hand on them they would scar their face up so they would look horrible. Or they would stabilize their man hood so that the boys could not reproduce.