Thursday, October 24, 2013

Today in class we had Jasmine teach the class we did a review of what we have learnt from the past couple of days. That nationalism is when you think your country is number one. The video we watched today which I have seen previously but I just think it is such an amazing video.  We aren’t the best country we don’t have the best science and math programs and we don’t even have a government that can come to terms on something. We used to be a great country, like they said in the video the American way is to stand up for what is right. I mean I thought the American dream is to come here and work to get a job to make money that’s why most people came over during the 20’s and 30’s. Now it seems like people are thinking the American dream is to sit home without a job and have the government give them what they need that they don’t need a job. BUT NO THAT’S NOT IT WE ARE AMERICANS I AM TIRED OF OTHER COUNTRIES THINKING WE JUST OVER WEIGHT NO GOOD DEAD BEATS. WE NEED TO SHOW THE WORLD AGAIN THAT WE ARE AMERICA WE FIGHT FOR WHAT IS RIGHT. What I personally think we need is a blue collar, conservative American as president. I think we need to cut back on funding that doesn’t need to fund. I thought McCain would have been a great choice for president because he truly loved his country he fought in war he was a prisoner of war. I think Romney would have actually made America what it should have been. I think he would of cut back spending and I personally think he would have been pretty good. I was very mad that the president tried to kind of cover up the 2012 Benghazi attack of the American embassy. I say they attack us then we should march right in there and give them a boot in their rear end. If you mess with America or our people you deserve to be taught your lesson.

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