Thursday, November 7, 2013

President Pena Nieto
Joachim Gauck
When he was growing up he opposed the East German government and the ideas of socialism.  
Gauck was denied entrance to his studies in German and Journalism and instead studied theology at the University of Rostock and became a pastor at a church in Mecklenburg-Pommerania.
Nicolas MADURO Moros Nicolás Maduro Moros worked as a bus driver before becoming politically active in the early 1990s. 
Maduro was introduced to Hugo Chávez in 1992, after Chávez and other disenchanted members of the military were imprisoned for an attempted coup and Maduro began campaigning for  Chávez's release. (Chávez was released in 1994 and won election to the presidency four years later.)
After President Chávez won a third term in October 2012, he selected Maduro to serve as vice president. Maduro worked alongside the outspoken president, serving as one of his closest advisers as well as a loyal spokesman, until Chávez's death at 58 on March 5, 2013, from cancer.

Worked as a bus driver and was a part of the transit union.
He expelled three U.S diplomats because they were the source of a major power outage.
XI Jinping
  • i Jinping is the son of revolutionary veteran Xi Zhongxun, one of the Communist Party's founding fathers.
  • He married folk singer Peng Liyuan, who also holds the rank of army general, in 1987. To many in China, Ms. Peng was the better-known half of the couple before Xi Jinping became leader of the Communist Party.
  • The couple have a daughter named Xi Mingze, who is studying at Harvard University in the US.
Queen Elizabeth II  At the age of seven, the young Cameron was packed off to Heatherdown, a highly exclusive preparatory school, which counted Princes Edward and Andrew among its pupils. Then, following in the family tradition, came Eton, Britain’s top private school.
His first child, Ivan, who was born profoundly disabled and needed round the clock care, died in February 2009.
The experience of caring for Ivan and witnessing at first hand the dedication of NHS hospital staff, is said by friends to have broadened Mr Cameron's horizons. He had, friends say, led an almost charmed life to that point.
Cameron is the youngest Prime Minister (43 when he took office) in over 200 years.

Elizabeth became queen on February 6, 1952, and was crowned on June 2, 1953.  Her reign has lasted 60 years - and counting.

Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud
In 2012 he was named the 7th most powerful person in the world by forbs.
Pranab MukherjeeHe taught Political Science at the Vidiyanagar College, and worked as a journalist before entering politics.
Mukherjee was rated as one of the best finance ministers of the world in 1984 and was adjudged the best parliamentarian in 1997.
He had a conflict with Rajiv Gandhi (who took over as Prime Minister from his mother Indira after she was assassinated in 1984) and started his own party – Rashtriya Samajwadi Congress.

In 1984, he was rated as the best Finance Minister in the World according to a survey of Euro money magazine.
Francois HOLLANDE Hollande has no previous experience in a national government position.
The mother of his four children is Ségolène Royal, with whom he shared a 30-year relationship.
He was born in 1954 in the city of Rouen to an extreme-right physician father and progressive social worker mother.

Was awarderd with the grand cross of the order of the white eagle.
Ali Hoseini-KHAMENE
In june 1981 he was shot in the arm and paralyzed his arm.
Hamid Karzai

He emerged as a resistance leader under Taliban rule and worked to undermine the regime.

He is well versed in several languages, including his native Peshto, Persian, Hindi, French and English.

Several times in 2001, Karzai warned the United States that the Taliban were connected with al Qaeda and that there was a plot for an imminent attack on the United States, but his warnings went unheeded.
In 2000 and 2001 he warned NATO that the Talban’s are with al Qaeda and that they are going to attack America.
She was tortured for 22 days by being punched, ferule and electric shock waves.;jsessionid=88DC2822C7F0BE3281D376E8E3D38FAB.istoeweb03-instance03
Shimon PERES
In 1996 he founded the Peres Center for Peace.

Won a Nobel Peace Prize. 

In 1963, took part in street protests against the U.S.-backed Shah of Iran. After the uprising was quashed, Khamenei was exiled. Khamenei was imprisoned multiple times and, in 1975, was internally exiled to a remote region in southeastern Iran.

Was elected President of Iran in 1981 and re-elected in 1985.  Became Iran’s Supreme Leader in 1989.

Hasan Fereidun Ruhani

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